elementary information security

Elementary Information Security

What is elementary information security? If you are interested in this study, do not hesitate to read this. You can get more information from this article.

What is Elementary Information Security?

Elementary Information Security is a discipline that includes physical security, personnel security, communications security, computer security, business continuity, and program management.

In the past, information security was a discipline that focused on the protection of information processing systems from unauthorized access or modification. Thus, it is computer security.

Later, the scope of information security began to be increasingly extended to include the protection of various types of information processing facilities, such as business documents and confidential documents. Thus, it is called ‘information security.

The fact that the scope of data security has been to include not only computer systems but also various facilities indicates that the discipline has become ‘elementary’, to its past business.

Overview of Elementary Data Security

Information Security is a field that focuses on the protection of information processing facilities (including computer systems) and information itself (including business documents, confidential documents, etc.) from unauthorized access or modification.

The purpose of information security is to protect people’s right to know and to live. Since the rights to know and to live are important rights, it is important that they be properly. 

Thus, elementary data security is an important discipline that aims at protecting people’s rights to know and to live.

Elementary Data Security Activities

The activities of elementary data security include:

  • Physical security
  • Personnel security
  • Communication security
  • Computer security
  • Business continuity management
  • Program management


The goals of elementary information security are to protect people‘s rights to know and to live.

Elementary Data Security and Businesses

Elementary data security is a discipline that is concerned with the protection of data processing facilities (including computer systems) and data itself (including business documents, confidential documents, etc.). Also, it is from unauthorized access or modification. 

Elementary data security thus plays an important role in the operation of businesses. 

Businesses need to ensure that their employees can carry out their duties safely. 

A business that does not protect its employees’ safety is likely to suffer from various problems. For example, if business secrets are disclosed by an employee who has left the company, the company may suffer serious losses. 

Elementary data security is also important in the operation of companies. Companies are vulnerable to various kinds of attacks, such as break-ins, which are caused by hackers or malicious programs. Also, companies sometimes suffer serious damage due to the malfunctioning of computer systems. 

If elementary information security is not properly, it may cause serious damage to the companies. Thus, elementary data security is an important discipline for businesses.


Elementary information security is a discipline that includes physical security, personnel security, communications security, computer security, business continuity, and program management. 

This discipline plays an important role in the operation of businesses. Also, elementary information security has a close relationship with the protection of people’s rights to know and to live. Thus, this discipline is very important.

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