Information Security Director Salary

How Much Information Security Director Salary?

This article is about the salary of an information security director. It discusses how the salary varies depending on experience, company size, and location.

Introduction About Information Director Salary: Variation Of Experience

So what is the list of the variation of the salary of the information security director?

According to the survey, the salary of the information security director varies according to experience.

So, the salary of the information security directors that are just starting their career on average makes $77,000 a year. The salary of these individuals can reach up to $100,000 a year.

Also, some people can even earn more than $200,000 a year. On the other hand, the salary of an experienced security director can range from $100,000 to $150,000 and they can earn up to $400,000.

In addition, some senior-level security directors earn as much as $500,000.

Company Size

The salary of the information security director also varies according to company size. The average yearly salary of an information security director working in big companies is at least $86,000 and they can earn up to $180,000 or more.

On the other hand, those who work in medium companies receive an average salary of at least $77,000. Moreover, they can earn up to $150,000 or more.

Last but not least, those who work in small companies get an average income of at least $68,0000 and they can about reach up to $130,000 or more.

The Location

The location also has an impact on the salary of an information security director. For example, those who work in San Francisco get an average annual income of at least $83000.

Which is higher than those who work in New York City and Los Angeles. Those working in San Francisco receive an average yearly income of about $86300 and this number is higher than those who work in New York City and Los Angeles.

So, they get an average annual income of at least $78700 and they can reach up to$ 102000 or more.

All things considered about how much information security director salary.

However, we can say that the profession itself is such an in-demand career. So how someone is one of the information security directors?

Qualifications For Information Security Career

To become a successful information security director, it is important to have proper training and education. Security directors must be well-versed.

Especially in the field of information security and they should have a good understanding of computer network security. The formal education of information security directors varies depending on the type of employer. 

For instance, those who are employed by the government or the military must have a bachelor’s degree. Therefore, they must also have at least three years of experience.

The private sector requires that information security directors must have at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science and some employers. So they prefer to hire candidates with two years of work experience.

In addition, many professional courses can help to increase the chances of obtaining a job. For instance, GSEC is an essential certification for all information security directors.

However, it is also necessary to take other courses related to information technology such as CompTIA A+ certification.

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