IEEE Transactions On Security Information

IEEE Transactions On Security Information For Authors

IEEE Transactions On Security Information For Authors. Fresh and changed manuscripts can be submitted online upon meeting the criteria.

We invite writers to request standard paper manuscripts. Documents that provide complete disclosure of a technical premise. Besides, letterheads with brief items that describe a use for or magnify the meaning of a single technical point. Further, provides comment on a paper previously published in the Transactions. The entries must be confidential.
Each manuscript must (1) provide a clearly specified statement of the problem presented. (2) State why the problem is relevant and (3) Lastly, show how the current solution fits into the past problem

Agreement to pay

Certainly, the agreement to pay the total page costs, color charges, and any charges and fees associated with the printing of the book. Besides, you accept the guidelines laid out for the publication of manuscripts, including the agreement to pay any conflicting fees. These charges are needless.
Fresh and changed manuscripts can be produced and submitted online through, upon meeting the criteria for “New Manuscript Submission.” After the “Final manuscript submission guidelines” following the approval, complete and prepare manuscripts. Do not direct to the editor-in-chief or associate editors the submission of initial revisions. They will have electronic access to the manuscript using the Central Manuscript Method.

Submitting manuscript

Manuscript Central account.

Build a Manuscript Central account in the online manuscript system if needed. You can first verify if you have a current account based on your e-mail address and whether you have read or written a previous article.

Electronic Manuscript

Prepare a double-spaced PDF file with a font size of 11 or greater and at least a margin of 1″ on both sides, which includes the manuscript (a blank line between lines of type). The manuscript cannot exceed 30 double-spaced pages for a daily document, including titles, writers’ names and full information on their relations, abstract, text, all pictures, figures and tables, and all references. In addition, you pay the charges for the total page starting with the 9th manuscript page. Therefore, in your submission, be conservative.

Manuscript with two columns

The IEEE type files must also apply a structured manuscript in a rough format, with a single, double column (10 points for a standard presentation or 9 points for a correlation) (it may let long equations stick out). The charge supports the assumption of the over-length page payments. These versions confirm the estimated publishing time of the manuscript upon presentation.


After you have downloaded and proofread all files, please apply your manuscript by clicking on ‘VIEW PROOF/UPLOADED FILES’ button. You cannot alter your manuscript in any way until you press the button.

Types of copyright

Through regulation, IEEA owns and encourages acceptable reuse of the content for professional contributions it publishes for the benefit of IEEE, its publishers, and their employers. We request writers for a completed “IEEE Copyright Transfer Export Control Compliance Form” to be signed and submitted for compliance with United States copyright law (and again with the completed manuscript prior to publication).

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