information security and cyber security

Information Security and Cybersecurity

Information security and cybersecurity. Most people think that the two terms are interchangeable.

Why though? For one, both of them are related to security. But, there are differences between the two.

Put simply, information security protects general information. But, cybersecurity protects cyber information.

In this article, we will know the meaning of information security vs cybersecurity. We will also discuss the differences.

Read on to learn more.

What Is Information Security?

As mentioned, information security (InfoSec) deals with general data. It also prevents unauthorized use of private information.

This helps us fight against information security risks. You can also prevent hackers to steal your information, such as:

  • personal information
  • bank credentials
  • biometrics (Face ID or fingerprint)
  • social media profile
  • mobile phone data

InfoSec has three goals. Or also known as the CIA triad. This means:

  • Confidentiality – keeping information private. So, unauthorized people can’t access it.
  • Integrity – keeping information correct and complete. So, other people can’t change or remove it.
  • Availability – keeping the information accessible. So, authorized people can see it when needed.

Companies should also ensure efficient operations. But, how? By applying security policies.

These policies include the following:

  • operation plans
  • network intrusion detection
  • regulatory compliance
  • mantraps
  • access control policy
  • password policy
  • data support

Now, we know what information security means. Next, what is cybersecurity?

What Is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity protects information in the cyber world. It also includes computers and servers, mobile devices, systems, networks, and other storage.

Cybersecurity also includes practices that help fight attacks from cybercriminals. This type of security has five categories:

  • network security
  • application security
  • operational security
  • disaster recovery
  • business continuity

Network and application security protects computer networks and applications. It also secures devices from cyber threats.

Operational security helps after a cybersecurity incident. So, it restores the company’s operations. As a result, they can get back up when it happens.

While disaster recovery deals with the lost data. So, a company can overcome a breach.

This also helps them continue their business. So, they can manage to deal with an incident.

But, what are these incidents? Here are some types of cybersecurity incidents:

  1. Cybercrime – incidents that affect money. It usually targets computers and networks.
  2. Cyberattacks – related to politics and government
  3. Cyber espionage – incidents that get data illegally of other countries
  4. Cyberterrorism – illegal use of computers and networks, which sometimes endangers security. Some terrorists also demand a ransom.
  5. Cyberwarfare – incidents that cause damage between state members

Today, we hear news about malware, hacks, and more. These threats can also lead to data breaches.

In truth, data breaches can cost millions of dollars. Companies can also lose their customers’ trust. So, they will lose customers and reputation, too.

The Differences

Information security and cybersecurity can be different. But, we both need the two now.

But, how are these two different?

Cybersecurity protects information in the cyber realm. While infosec protects the general information.

Also, cybersecurity defends against cyberattacks. Yet infosec protects information from any threat, including physical theft.

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