Information Security Policy

Information Security Policy And More To Learn

Information Security Policy And More To Learn. This requires the creation and publication of separate guidelines and procedures.

Statement of policy

The aim of this policy is to establish a security mechanism to ensure that information is secure. Therefrom, unauthorized access, misuse, or harm while supporting a culture’s transparent and information sharing needs. Users may access knowledge from a University for institutional, academic, education, or other uses. Either orally and/or digitally and/or on paper, personally managed or transmitted, or separately or networked. This Information Management Policy requires the creation and publication of separate guidelines and procedures.

Who Is This Proposal for?    

All university faculty and staff, as well as all students serving at Princeton University. Such as task forces, and commissions, shall have the information security policy (for example, the Faculty-Student Committee on Discipline). The regulation also includes all those people and organizations who use University Details, such as consultants, temporary staff, and volunteers, but not limited to them.


Princeton University appropriately avoids unwanted entry, destruction or harm to the information while promoting our intellectual culture’s open and informational needs.


They list the following information from the university as restricted:

Number of social security 
Number of bank account
The license number of the driver
State ID Card number
Credit card number
Protected health information (as defined by HIPAA) 

If required, it might be possible to exchange restricted knowledge inside the University to satisfy the legitimate business needs of the University. With the provision of statutory provisions otherwise.


It classifies university information as private but does not wish to be exchanged publicly. Thus, within or outside the University because of its sensitivities and/or statutory or legal responsibilities. They categorize university information as confidential. For eg, all non-restricted documents in personal files, reports of wrongdoing and compliance investigations, internal financial information, donor records, and records of education (as defined by FERPA).

Inside Princeton Unrestricted (UWP)

If the material of universities comes outside the restricted and secret categories but is not meant to be publicly exchanged outside the institution, it is categorized as Unrestricted Within Princeton (UWP). One example is the Faculty Facebook.

Publicly Available

Universities’ information is freely accessible to everyone within or outside Princeton University. University information is publicly available.

Data collection and classification

University information must be properly protected from unwanted entry, destruction, or harm on the grounds of its designation. Moreover, the Princeton Information Management Principles and Procedures have unique security specifications for each classification.

University information management from another source than Princeton University. This requires that both the Policy and the specifications of the person or organization who developed, supplied, or managed the information must comply with. Further, consult the appropriate Senior executive and the Office of the General Counsel if you have questions regarding your willingness to cooperate.


(1) Understand the classification of information described in the Policy on Information Security.
(2) Classify the details that one is accountable for as necessary.
(3) Access data to satisfy valid business needs only when required.
(4) No university information is disclosed, copied, released, sold, loaned, altered, or destroyed with no valid business purpose or permission.
(5) Protect University Knowledge security, honesty, and usability in a way compatible with classified level and type of information.

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