computer information security

What is Computer Information Security?

The Internet transformed our lives in many great ways. However, it also brought threats. Strong computer information security is a must. 

The use of the Internet rises exponentially. Hence, this makes us more prone to getting victimized by cyber-attacks. Yet, you can do something to minimize computer information security risks. Learning the methods of hackers is a great start. Moreover, you must learn how to secure your systems against those attacks.

Computer Information Security Definition

Computer information security (infosec) is the protection of computer systems and information. You must protect such assets from theft, harm, and unauthorized use. Typically, we use different means to protect computer hardware or other valuable equipment. For instance, we use alarms, locks, and serial numbers. 

The same goes for protecting information and system access. However, computer information security requires different tactics. Yet, some of those tactics are quite complex. Generally, you address these major threats:

  • Vandalism. This includes the destruction of data by a computer virus
  • Theft of data. You need strong computer information security if you want to keep your proprietary secrets
  • Fraud. For instance, bank employees transferring funds into their own accounts
  • Privacy invasion. For example, organizations thrive to prevent illegal access of medical data from a large database

Computer information security gained widespread attention beginning in the late 1960s. That was the era when modems came into the market. Modems are devices that allow computers to communicate over telephone lines. 

Yet, hacking became widespread in the 1980s. Hackers invade people’s privacy. They do it by illegally accessing major computer systems. Fortunately, experts continuously develop advanced security methods. Such methods eliminate threats.

Types of Computer Information Security 

One way to differentiate the types of computer infosec is to check what it protects.

  • Cybersecurity – protects computer systems that communicate over computer networks
  • Information security – preventing unauthorized access, deletion, and modification of information
  • Application security – developers put security features to an application to prevent cyber threats
  • Computer security – securing the machine itself by regularly updating and patching it
  • Network security – both software and hardware technologies get secured in network security

Common Methods Hackers Use 

Hackers use different methods to steal your data. Here are some examples.


Hackers monitor your activity by observing traffic on your system. Moreover, hackers eavesdrop on you by observing the work you are doing. For instance, they monitor your email and the websites your visit. Furthermore, hackers may observe what items you download.

Password attack 

You will get hacked sooner or later if you have easy passwords. Hackers are determined to know your password. For instance, they use a tactic called a dictionary attack. With this method, hackers handle every password that is possible through the dictionary.

Moreover, hackers use brute force to crack your password. That is by using the trial and error method. Yet, this method takes the most amount of time.

Meanwhile, cybercriminals also use keyloggers. Keylogger records all the hits on the keyboard. Many hackers use this to get sensitive details such as passwords and account details. Sometimes, they simply look over your shoulder to observe your keyboard.

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