what is the most common threat to information security in an organization

What Is The Most Threat To Information Security In An Organization?

What is the most threat to information security in an organization? If you are interested in this study, do not hesitate to read this. You can get more information from this article.

What is the Most Common Threat To Information Security In An Organization?

Weak passwords that can be guessed or cracked, access to unsecured networks, and unsecured computers.

In the past, the most common threat to information security has been from insiders. But recent studies have that outside forces are now the most likely to cause a breach.

Furthermore, the top security threats cited in previous years have been modified in recent reports. In fact, a recent study that the top three security threats were:

  • The use of weak passwords that can be guessed or cracked
  • Access to unsecured networks
  • Unsecured computers

These findings are a reflection of a greater awareness of workplace security. Also, a greater concern for outside forces who may target an organization’s network or computer systems.

As technology advances, companies are finding new ways to attract and retain top talent. But to stay competitive, organizations must also find ways to protect their most vital assets.

The Risk Of Social Engineering

Social engineering is a common method of hacking an organization. It is through the use of manipulation and deception, rather than technology.

Social engineering is often by an individual who will pretend to be someone else, usually an employee with high-level access, in order to get information that they are not authorized to have.

For example, someone posing as an employee may call the receptionist and ask for the names of all employees who work on a certain project. The receptionist would not have any reason to doubt the caller’s identity or authority. 

By getting this information, the social engineer can then call employees who work on the project, and pretend to be a co-worker. He will use the information he has already from the receptionist to gain their trust.

In this way, a social engineer can get information that would otherwise be impossible to access. Since efforts to prevent social engineering are not always effective, it will remain a common threat for years to come.

What is Information Security?

Information Security is the protection of the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information. Also, it deals with the prevention and detection of illegal access to or destruction of information systems.

It is important to protect your company’s information security because data loss can result in a serious financial loss. It can also cause a company’s reputation to severely suffer.

Some examples of information security include:

  • Access control – This refers to the restriction or prevention of access to specific information or systems. An example would be a public and private directory. A company could have two separate directories: one for public use and another for internal use only.
  • Cryptography – This is the process of encrypting data in order to prevent unauthorized access. An example would be an employee’s Social Security number. If this was not encrypted, it could be by other employees and used for fraudulent purposes.


Information security is an important consideration for any organization. It is a good idea to hire a security expert to evaluate your systems and improvements. This could help protect your company’s information from being stolen or destroyed.

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