information security objectives

Information Security Objectives: An Overview

Cybercrimes are increasing every day. Thus, companies must apply information security objectives to secure their information.


Before we develop a security plan, we must first understand the objectives of information security. Thus, we can define what information we want to protect.

Moreover, we must apply the plan we made. It can involve training staff or using tools.

How can we make clear information security objectives?

Resource protection

To protect our information, we must ensure that we limit access. Only those who are allowed should see and change it.

Also, we must define if we want to give full or limited access to some users. If someone is an executive, we can give them the system admin account. If he is a regular employee, we must limit his access.


Additionally, we have to ensure that we validate all those who access the information. Thus, it can block those who pretend. Some use a false identity to access a system.

Requiring a username and password is one thing. Encryption is another effective way.

Also, it is easy to compromise single-factor authentication today. So, we should consider applying strong methods. It includes using a two-factor or multi-factor authentication.


Authorization is the assurance of knowing a person’s access control. Like being confident that he is allowed to make an action.


Integrity is keeping your information completely. It should also be correct and accurate. Also, we must apply the two concepts of integrity,

  1. Data integrity. It means keeping your information as is. And also, free from unauthorized changes. Thus, you can make sure that your information is protected from manipulation.
  2. System integrity. It means making sure that your information is consistent. Like how it’s supposed to be.


Confidentiality is the most important to the whole information security. It refers to keeping it private.

You can use digital certificates to keep it confidential. Also, you can use an SSL or a VPN. It ensures that your data is still private even if you shared it with others.

How can you check your Information Security Objectives?

One effective way is using the SMART technique.

S- Specific. Making sure that you are clear with your users and setting.

M – Measurable. Ensuring that your objectives can inform you if you have applied it successfully.

A – Attainable. Your objectives can be accomplished within your budget and tools.

R – Relevant. It involves ensuring your objectives are related to you.

T – Time-framed. Laying out a timetable for your actions.

Tips in applying Information Security Objectives

  1. Outline your strategy. Making an outline helps you apply it effectively. Besides, you can find the beneficial results of objectives.
  2. Make your objectives earlier. Do not wait for a breach before you make your objectives. Planning it in advance helps you prevent these incidents.
  3. Estimate the cost. By analyzing the cost, you’ll have a budget in advance. In case a breach happens, you’ll need some help from experts and investigators.


Information security objectives are helpful in securing your company’s information. Thus, you can lessen the damage of a hack. And you can prevent it from happening.

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