why information security is so important in healthcare

Why Information Security Is So Important in Healthcare

In this article, we will learn why information security is so important in healthcare.

Read on to learn more.

Information Security Is So Important in Healthcare

The healthcare industry is a major target for cybercrimes. For one, they have valuable patient data. 

Paperworks are now in the cloud and database systems. Surely, this made information accessible to doctors. It’s even more useful now that remote access is possible.

Yet, as ironic as it can be, it also made it easier for hackers to get it. So, they are now more vulnerable than ever. So, the industry should have a reliable information security service.

Now, let’s dig deeper into some reasons why information security is so important in healthcare.

Reasons Why Information Security Is So Important in Healthcare

Hackers Are Using Creative Ways to Steal

Hackers are always busy. And they are even more hardworking than some IT professionals.

But, why do hackers target healthcare data? The main reason: it’s worth a lot of money.

This information is like a treasure trove of everything about a patient, such as:

  • full name
  • address history
  • financial information
  • social security numbers

Studies also show that a patient’s full medical records can sell for up to $1,000. Not to mention that they can use the data in illegal financial transactions.

Ransomware in Healthcare

Hackers use ransomware to hijack hospital data. They will not let you access the data until you pay them money. 

And this shook the healthcare sector for many years now. A lot of facilities were held hostage. So, it results in business downtime.

Let’s consider an example. In September 2020, a ransomware attack struck a hospital in Germany. So, they had to reroute patients in need of emergency care elsewhere.

One woman required immediate attention for an aneurysm. But because of the downtime, she was sent to another hospital 20 miles away and died shortly thereafter.

Third-Party Stakeholders Increase the Risks

Hospitals have contractual obligations with third parties. They do so by giving access or sharing healthcare data. Otherwise, it results in poor service.

For example, hospitals partner with insurance companies. So, they have a role in their operations.

But, it also poses risks for information. If a third-party vendor is attacked, it can also affect the hospital.

And if they have security gaps, hackers can also include the healthcare facility.

Having Information Security Solutions Is Also So Important in Healthcare

In general, hospitals should have robust security measures. And it should cover patients, employees, contractors, vendors, suppliers, etc.

They can also set permissions. Plus, it should be on a need-to-know basis only.

For example, not every employee should access patient insurance information. Or the billing records, too.

Some of the more common types of data security solutions you can use include:

  • Data backup and recovery – daily backing up of data so it is safe and secured
  • Data encryption – protects data transferred from workstations to servers or cloud
  • Anti-Virus/Malware/Spyware Apps – updated apps help detect and monitor threats
  • Employee Training – cyber-aware employees can be the hospitals first line of defense
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